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DRS is one of several Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) partners who work together to provide employment, training, education and support services.

WorkForce West Virginia
WorkForce West Virginia is a one-stop center for workforce resources, including job opportunities, unemployment compensation, training, tax incentives and labor market information.

Specific programs include:

  • Adult program – serves individuals by providing them with job search assistance and training opportunities so they can obtain good jobs and helps employers meet their workforce needs.
  • Dislocated Worker Program – is designed to help workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment. When individuals become dislocated workers because of job loss, mass layoffs, global trade dynamics, or transitions in economic sectors, the Dislocated Worker program provides services to assist them in re-entering the workforce.
  • Youth programs – primarily serves young adults ages 16-24 that face a variety of barriers to employment.
  • The Wagner-Peyser Employment Service – focuses on providing a variety of services including job search assistance, help getting a job referral, and placement assistance for job seekers.
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance program – seeks to provide adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs.
  • Unemployment Insurance – provides temporary financial assistance to workers unemployed through no fault of their own who meet West Virginia’s eligibility requirements.
  • Jobs for Veterans – Veterans and qualified persons meeting eligibility requirements may be referred to specific veterans’ program staff for specialized services. Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists are responsible for providing intensive services to qualified veterans at the WorkForce center or itinerant site with a goal of long-term sustainable employment of the veteran. Local Veteran Employment Representatives conduct outreach to employer and employer groups such as business, industry, and other community-based organizations by serving as an advocate for the hiring of veterans.

West Virginia Adult Education
West Virginia Adult Education programs build skills for success by providing adults with the opportunity to acquire and improve functional skills necessary to enhance the quality of their lives as workers, family members, and citizens. These programs play an important role in fostering productive employment, effective citizenship, personal and family growth, self-esteem, and dignity for adult learners.

West Virginia Community and Technical College System
The West Virginia Community and Technical College System (CTCS), a part of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, coordinates community and technical colleges statewide, partnering with businesses to meet workforce needs and ensuring a meaningful education for our students. 

  • West Virginia’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs empower students to explore potential careers in various hands-on, technical training programs. CTE programs not only teach students real-world knowledge and skills, but also provide opportunities for industry-recognized credentials and meaningful work-based learning experiences.

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

  • West Virginia’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is WV WORKS. It is based on the goals of assisting economically dependent and at-risk families to become self-supporting, enhancing the well-being of children, and on assisting families near the poverty level to remain self-sufficient.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – SNAP provides monthly benefits to help eligible households buy food.

West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services
Senior Community Service Employment Program is a mandated WIOA partner and provides low-income seniors with paid training to acclimate them back into the workforce.

West Virginia Community Advancement and Development Office
Community Service Block Grant does not directly fund individuals but provides funding to Community Action Agencies throughout the state. The purpose in West Virginia is to aid a network of 16 Community Action Agencies (and other statewide organizations) in the reduction of poverty, revitalization of low-income communities, and to provide economic opportunities for low-income families.