An elderly gentlemen uses a magnifying glass to read a book.


About VISIONS (Visually Impaired Seniors In-Home Outreach and Networking Services)

VISIONS is an independent living program for seniors with vision loss. Trained professionals can help you continue to live and thrive within your family, your network of friends, and your community.

Services are provided free to qualified applicants. Leaving your home or community is not necessary to receive VISIONS services. Trained professionals can meet you in your home, at a community senior center, at a church or other convenient place of your choosing.


You may be eligible if:

  • You are a West Virginian, age 55 or older
  • You do not work
  • You have a permanent visual impairment that affects daily living activities such as reading mail, using the phone, cooking, shopping, socializing and more


  • Provide instruction in alternative ways to perform tasks affected by vision loss
  • Teach alternative home organization techniques
  • Help you safely and effectively manage your medications
  • Refer you for other services, such as Talking Book services and free directory assistance
  • Help you connect with community activities
  • Provide low-tech adaptive aids
  • Connect you with others with similar vision loss

For more information, call 1-800-642-3021.