The West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) is pleased to recognize Alcon, the global leader in eye care dedicated to helping people see brilliantly, as an exemplary Huntington employer and partner as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month this October. Alcon has a heritage spanning more than seven decades, including 43 years right here in the Huntington community.
Alcon has demonstrated excellence in its diverse hiring practices by creating an inclusive workplace, and DRS recognizes this organization for its positive contributions within our local communities. I met with Alcon’s Tanya Bobo (HR) and Jay Malmberg (production supervisor) at their Huntington manufacturing facility to share the DRS mission and explore opportunities to collaborate. Alcon engaged with us and created a temporary position, which was filled by a DRS consumer — who was later hired by Alcon into a full-time, permanent warehouse position. Alcon and DRS collaborate in many ways, including advising Alcon how to strengthen its site accessibility. We salute Alcon Huntington and look forward to continuing to work together to create more opportunities for West Virginians with disabilities.”
DRS, an agency of the West Virginia Department of Commerce, is responsible for the federal vocational rehabilitation program in West Virginia, which enables and empowers West Virginians with disabilities to work and to live independently. DRS helps adults, as well as high school and college students with disabilities set work goals and develop career plans to overcome employment-related barriers so they can go to work or maintain current employment. DRS assists West Virginia’s businesses and employers by being their primary employment resource to include or to retain people with disabilities in their workforce.
For more information about DRS and its programs, call 1-800-642-8207 or visit the division’s website at